Thursday, April 19, 2012

Week 8 Symptoms

via What to Expect: 

Fatigue: check! (!!)
Nausea and vomiting: Nausea, no vomiting
Food cravings and aversions: Hmmm, debatable. Yes and no, I would say. I've been craving pickled okra for days now. Bizarre, since I never eat it by itself.
Bloating: Triple check!
Increased sense of smell: Still not sure on this one.
Occasional headaches: Yes, and they're not fun :(
Occasional faintness or dizziness: Lord have mercy, yes. At least once a day, I feel like I'm drunk.

You know what? I'm thankful for all of this. It means this lil fighter is still growing, and will continue to grow. I love it, and I'll take whatever this pregnancy throws my way :)

1 comment:

  1. I totally felt the same way. Every time I got sick, it made me happy because I knew it meant things were healthy. :-)
