Thursday, April 19, 2012

My due date was changed to December 8th today.

I'm not sure I agree with this.
I really think I'm in my 8th week, but my ob/gyn said based on the beta results from my hcg, that's my due date.


Today, my blood pressure was significantly high. This really freaks me out. They seemed concerned, too. I have to go back in a week for them to retake it.

I talked briefly with my ob about a couple of things I wanted to do come delivery time. She seemed really laid back about it, which is good.

Now I just need to get this blood pressure down.


  1. That's strange that they based your due date on the hcg levels. With me, I'm pretty sure (although I could be crazy - always a very real possibility) that they figured out my due date based on Milo's measurements. Like, he was the size of a baby that was such and such weeks along. I'm almost positive that's how they did it...although maybe they were actually measuring hcg levels and I misunderstood.

    Your to-do list for today that MUST be accomplished in no particular order and that I WILL be checking up on later:

    -Buy a cheesy girly magazine and take a long bubble bath while reading it, allowing yourself to completely relax and get lost in the drama of other people's lives :-)
    -Pick up your favorite take-out and either unwind while surfing the internet or watching a movie, your choice
    -Be in bed by 11pm if at all possible :-)

  2. ...but...if accomplishing this to-do list seems stressful...DON'T do it. :-)

  3. I love you so much, Heather! Your to do list made me laugh :P

    I think all that can be accomplished today is the bubble bath, which is sounding really good right about now...I'll be in bed way before 11 pm too ;)

  4. yay! i love that you're blogging again! and blogging about BABY! yaaaay! :D
