Friday, April 27, 2012

Reasons why I love my family

Various conversations via text and facebook after my two cousins found out I was pregnant:

M: Looks like there's going to be one more stocking on the couch at Nan's this year!
C: Hahaha Megan that's hilarious! I can't wait to see what the baby gets in it's stocking!!
M: Chrissie & Ashley-corn on the cob holders, hello kitty chapstick, and travel size   shampoo....that's what everyone gets in their stockings from their grandma, right?
C: You forgot shaving cream.
M:  well i didn't think the baby would need that yet...the other items are essential for a 1 month old though
M: So from what I just gathered from our texts, my parents knew and then I found out and then I told Chrissie. Chrissie was still the last to know something about the fam....somethings never change. If it makes you feel any better, I only knew seconds before you did.
C: Thanks guys! And I'm not the last to know, I forwarded Megan's text to Kelly and I'm sure she's already in bed and won't see it until tomorrow so she'll be the last to know :p
Me: Hahaha! maybe you have successfully passed on the curse to her then...
C: I hope so. I'm going to Christopher tomorrow so I'll keep you posted if I learn something knew or not.
                        M:  Start clearing a little spot on "the wall" in nan's dining room
                        C: Will do, I'll try and find you a good spot Ash!
M: Hope we don't have to take anyone down to do that...
C:  I make no promises....sacrifices may need to be made
M:  Chrissie, you need to show Nan the name "lafonquiqui" and see if she thinks she can fit that on an xmas ornament

And then my cousin Megan had these texts to send in reference to naming my child: 

"If it's a boy: Romeo, and I don't mean just any old Romeo, it needs to be pronounced "row-mayo" like in the Claire Danes/Leonardo Dicaprio version of Romeo and Juliet

For a girl: I just think Lafonquiqui has a beautiful ring to will be super easy for Nan to puff pen onto an Xmas ornament." 

Let me stress again: I love my family.

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