17 weeks, 5 days! |
Baby's size? The size of a sweet potato, 5.6 inches, 3.5 oz (Baby was measuring at 6.4 inches on Saturday, so she's apparently taller than average :P )
Weight Gain? about 10 pounds
Sleep? It's been interesting. Some nights I can't sleep, because my brain is wide awake. Other nights, it takes a bit to get comfortable. I've had to migrate to the middle of the bed because it's firmer.
Foods I am loving? Cheetos and Sunny Delight!
Foods I am hating? Nothing, really. I haven't been nauseous in a while, so that's been amazing!
Best moment this week? I've had a lot! I was taken off of pelvic rest, praise the Lord! The blood clot is apparently gone! Finding out little bit is a girl!!!! And also, I was laying flat on my back on Friday, and I could feel little flutters inside of my belly whenever Wesley started playing his guitar and singing. She must love her daddy's music!
Symptoms? I still have bad skin :( I'm not happy about that at all. I've started to feel the "quickening" they talk about, but I feel like it'll still be awhile before I can flat out distinguish her movements. I still pass out after full days of activity. I've started having pains in my lower back, and oddly enough, the top of my butt muscles, haha! Pregnancy is so weird :p But I love it!
What I miss? Clear skin :p
Lately: We've been mulling over girl names. I'm still not sure we're both equally set on any one name. I've also started building a baby registry at Target, which is so much fun!
What I'm looking forward to? Deciding on a name and honestly, I'm ready to meet my little girl. I'm getting so impatient!
Emotions: Goodness gracious, they've been down this week. After my family left on Sunday, I've been really depressed. I miss them so much :( Also, I think the fact is sinking in that we're going to have to raise a little girl, and I'm so scared. Thoughts run through my mind; what if we aren't good enough parents? What if I don't know the first thing about raising a daughter? The fears are definitely abundant, but I'm trying to remain positive. Another vulnerable thing to admit is realizing that I won't be the baby anymore. This baby will have the world revolve around her, and that's a little scary. I go to my grandmother's to be reminded of the joy of childhood. When I visit, it's like for a moment in time, I'm a little girl again, just spending time at her grandmother's. Going home for Christmas will be a completely different experience this year. However, I know it'll be a million times better :)