Monday, June 25, 2012

18 week survey!

17 weeks, 5 days!

Baby's size? The size of a sweet potato, 5.6 inches, 3.5 oz (Baby was measuring at 6.4 inches on Saturday, so she's apparently taller than average :P ) 

Weight Gain? about 10 pounds

Sleep? It's been interesting. Some nights I can't sleep, because my brain is wide awake. Other nights, it takes a bit to get comfortable. I've had to migrate to the middle of the bed because it's firmer.

Foods I am loving? Cheetos and Sunny Delight!

Foods I am hating?  Nothing, really. I haven't been nauseous in a while, so that's been amazing!

Best moment this week? I've had a lot! I was taken off of pelvic rest, praise the Lord! The blood clot is apparently gone!  Finding out little bit is a girl!!!! And also, I was laying flat on my back on Friday, and I could feel little flutters inside of my belly whenever Wesley started playing his guitar and singing. She must love her daddy's music!

Symptoms? I still have bad skin :( I'm not happy about that at all. I've started to feel the "quickening" they talk about, but I feel like it'll still be awhile before I can flat out distinguish her movements. I still pass out after full days of activity. I've started having pains in my lower back, and oddly enough, the top of my butt muscles, haha! Pregnancy is so weird :p But I love it!

What I miss?  Clear skin :p

We've been mulling over girl names. I'm still not sure we're both equally set on any one name. I've also started building a baby registry at Target, which is so much fun! 

What I'm looking forward to?
Deciding on a name and honestly, I'm ready to meet my little girl. I'm getting so impatient!

Emotions: Goodness gracious, they've been down this week. After my family left on Sunday, I've been really depressed. I miss them so much :( Also, I think the fact is sinking in that we're going to have to raise a little girl, and I'm so scared. Thoughts run through my mind; what if we aren't good enough parents? What if I don't know the first thing about raising a daughter? The fears are definitely abundant, but I'm trying to remain positive. Another vulnerable thing to admit is realizing that I won't be the baby anymore. This baby will have the world revolve around her, and that's a little scary. I go to my grandmother's to be reminded of the joy of childhood. When I visit, it's like for a moment in time, I'm a little girl again, just spending time at her grandmother's. Going home for Christmas will be a completely different experience this year. However, I know it'll be a million times better :)

Our Pumpkin is A...


I honestly wasn't expecting a girl at first. My lack of significant symptoms (morning sickness, etc) left me thinking that I had a lil boy growing inside of me. Then, two days before my ultrasound, I had a dream that I was having a baby girl. From then on, I was convinced we were having a girl :) 

We gathered our family members together for the big reveal. It was pretty comical, because the ultrasound tech kept saying "I think I know what it is, but I'm not going to call it yet." However, she accidentally let the "she" pronoun slip several times when referring to the baby, so we knew before she even called it officially! 

I have one thing to say about our little ladybug. She definitely has a personality already. For the majority of the first part of the ultrasound, she sat with her booty in the air, giving us a full view of her girl parts as if to say "Make no mistake, everyone. I am DEFINITELY a girl!" It was hilarious; the tech kept trying to get me to shift around to see if she would move, and all I'd hear out of the tech as she pulled up the picture on the screen was "Well, there's another shot of her bottom." There's probably at least 7 photos from the ultrasound of her girl parts. I think she was humoring us, saying "You all came here for a  gender reveal, so let me give you a show!" Wesley and I joked we'll have to get her a chastity belt at birth ;) 

The other part of the ultrasound, she sat on her belly, snuggled against the placenta. She literally had her face pressed against it, and she was facing toward my back. No matter what I did--shifting, exercise, verbal encouragement-- she wouldn't budge unless it was to wiggle away from the ultrasound wand. Because of this, we weren't able to get any clear 4d pictures that day. However, I get to come back to Sneak Peek 4d Ultrasound and get another glimpse of her for free! The tech said usually on the second visit, babies are more cooperative. 

Here are a couple of 4D pictures we managed to get during my ultrasound on Thursday, two days before the 4D ultrasound at Sneak Peek:

She likes to put her hands in front of her face :p 

A glimpse of her growing limbs and features!

Her cute little face! 

Profile pic!

5 toes!
Her little booty!